For Ukrainians, this past year has been a year of learning. Learning how far we will go to fight for our freedom. Learning what freedom even means. Learning to have hope. Learning to heal. Learning to navigate amounts of pain we could never imagine we’d face in our lifetimes. But above all, learning that we are stronger together. Not just as Ukrainians, but as a global community. When the war began, no one was sure what would happen to Ukraine, or whether anyone even cared about a country that most people could not point out on a map. But Ukraine prevailed, in great part thanks to the millions and millions of people around the world that had the courage, empathy, and kindness to stand with us. As we enter the second year of war, this community is more important than ever.

We are grateful to be surrounded by people who will still fill up auditoriums to hear Ukrainians speak one year later. We are grateful to be part of a community that wants to learn alongside us — learn about love, learn about liberty, learn about our Ukraine. Together, we will prevail — we are one year closer to our victory.
