Who? This event is sponsored and organized by the Ukrainian Student Association at Stanford University and the Ukrainian Association of Washington State (501c3, EIN 45-3545697).
Why? Your participation in this run will help the aforementioned organizers procure life-sustaining equipment for newborn babies in maternity homes in Ukraine.
Where? You can run in your favorite park, along a river bank, or even on your treadmill! We will ship you your runner’s set (comprised of a sticker and bracelet) anywhere across the globe; on your race day, you’ll then be free to run wherever you want.
When? Choose any date and time between June 1st and August 24th, Ukraine Independence Day.
How long is the run? We suggest 5k or 10k; however, you are welcome to adjust the distance to meet your running goals. You can even make it a walk or a bike ride, if you so desire!
Who will run with me? You will be joined (virtually) by 3000 runners from all over the world. You are welcome to form your own team, join an existing team, or run individually.
Tickets 20$ (+ platform fee). Your ticket includes a “StandWithUkriane” wristband and a running sticker that you can put on your t-shirt. Please allow 3-7 business days for delivery in the US and 7-15 business days for other countries.